
Jennifer Jean-Pierre + Jermaine Maull Believe in Unity Through Strength
March 1, 2022 @ 10:00am
This month, we’re bowing to 11 badass local couples making moves (with righteous intent) and leaving their mark on the District. Among several questions, we ask how they’d remix the concept of power couple. What emerged is a collective belief that the energy you bring, the responsibility you share (to each other and your community), and the joy of the journey all greatly matter. We also learned love and humor coexist well. Thank you for the laughs and inspiration.
Jennifer Jean-Pierre, Fashion + Lifestyle Blogger + Jermaine Maull, Federal Government Employee
Power Couple, Redefined
In the past, power couples were always celebrities or those in the public eye. Now with the rise of social media and access to seeing everyone’s daily life, power couple could mean an everyday couple who embodies the characteristics you think are powerful or worth emulating.
Strike A Balance
Ha. We haven’t figured that out yet and every day is different. Open to more suggestions, though.
Couple Mantra
L’Union fait la force [unity makes strength], which is also Haiti’s motto. We believe together we are unstoppable and our strength comes from being together.
Lessons Learned
Maull: Money doesn’t make itself and you have to get out there and hustle.
Jean-Pierre: Jermaine has taught me the importance of rest since I am a natural “hustler” and don’t know how to turn off sometimes. He knows how to chill and refresh well.
Conflict Resolution Tips
Definitely listen to each other. Not just listening for time to speak but really hearing each other. You both may have different viewpoints that may be valid. Also, there is power in apologies and vulnerability.
Caffeine Dependency
Neither of us “needs” it but we love it. Jermaine definitely drinks more. We both are into Black House, which is Black-owned and local.
Daily Hustle
All aspects of our life never get stale because we are always working hard or willing to put in the work. There is no animosity or judgment.
The Meet Cute
Flag football in D.C.
D.C. Date Spot
[It] used to be FrontPage but that closed. Now it’s North Italia.
Celebrity Hall Pass
We have never talked about that. There isn’t anyone who we are that goo-goo ga-ga over.
Our Song
Hell no. We have completely different musical tastes. But if we had to choose then it would be “Watch the Duck” or “Lew Sid.” Or maybe old-school hip-hop but I (Jennifer) was west side till I die and he’s a Bad Boy come out to play type, (lol).
Follow Jean-Pierre and Maull on their personal IGs @jenjeanpierre and @jensplusone. Follow Jean-Pierre’s business @10thlettervisuals and
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