
Handy Apps to Help You Through the Quarantine
May 8, 2020 @ 5:07pm
Before you read this list, I need you to make sure your screen time report is turned off if you haven’t done so already. If you have been actively reading them I can only conclude that you’re a masochist, but I digress. Below are some apps that I don’t normally use that have come in handy for me as I try to make the best of my current situation, and I think you might like them too.
Did you eat your way through all your fun snacks and easy meals quicker than you thought you would? Are you left with random ingredients that you’re not sure how to use in a cohesive meal? Supercook is the app for you. Enter the ingredients immediately available to you in your pantry, and you’ll get a list of recipes you can easily craft with only what you have. That way you can limit food waste and your trips to the store! A win win.
This app is the holy grail when it comes to determining what movies and TV shows are available on major streaming platforms. Just type in the name and you’ll get a list in order from free with subscription to places you can rent said film or TV season from. If you opt to create an account, the app allows you to keep a watch list, so you’ll never waste time scrolling through suggestions on Netflix or Hulu again.
Before you give me shit for using Pinterest, the app of choice for sorority girls looking for craft ideas, consider just HOW many things you can find on this site. Since being in self isolation, I’ve used Pinterest for recipes, cocktail ideas, journaling prompts, movie and book suggestions and more. It’s a great way to find inspiration when your Instagram grid is looking a little repetitive, and actually has a lot of useful information if you’re willing to sift through the site. I prefer the mobile version to scroll through while I’m just hanging out watching TV or for quick access to recipes.
Sirius XM
The popular radio platform is offering three months for free, and this is a great time to take advantage of that and discover new music or enjoy talk shows for free. As virtually all concerts are a no go right now, this a great place to fill the show-sized void in your heart as a lot of channels replay recordings of iconic live concerts as well. With 151 channels, no matter what you like to listen to, you’re guaranteed to have a playlist for working from home, cooking dinner, or enjoying the outdoors.
All of the above apps are available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
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