
Deviant’s Montell Stansberry + Micah Roseboro Harness Pride, Power + Confidence
October 1, 2021 @ 9:30am
It’s past time we remixed the entrepreneur archetype. The tried-and-true definition of an emerging or aspiring business owner feels tired. The modern entrepreneur is a mover, shaker and doer who’s not content with simply breaking all the rules. Our 52 trailblazers featured in the October issue are rewriting the rules, tearing them up and doing it all over again. It’s creation at its purest, because the fruits of one’s hustle are not actualized overnight or by following one jet-lagged recipe. It’s no longer adequate to measure entrepreneurs by the brick-and-mortar spaces they manifest or the jobs they create. Those are all important elements but fall short of what it truly means to build something — often with blood, sweat and tears. Whether you’re revamping the vintage clothing industry, introducing a fresh dining concept, cultivating an advocacy-focused creative agency or advancing the cause of equality for the LGBTQ+ community, the only thing that matters is freedom — the freedom to march to the beat of your own badass drum. Read our full rundown of trailblazers here.
Montell Franklin Stansberry and Micah Roseboro founded Deviant, LLC as a safe space for queer people of color to explore their identities outside “the prison of shame.” They know the power held in confidence, in pride. And they wield this power to free others and empower them to hold their own, whatever it may look like.
Advice that keeps you hungry
MR: “Darling, faith and fear cannot coexist. You must choose one, and whichever one you choose, it will be true.” My amazingly successful friend and mentor, Gia, offered me those words of encouragement on the plane, as I faced a romantic and professional dilemma in my life. I’ve known her since I first came out years ago, as a teenager in Atlanta, Georgia. I’ll never forget that wisdom she shared with me.
MS: “I think, therefore I am.” – René Descartes. This quote speaks to me because I consciously focus on my destiny instead of allowing the immediate obstacles in front of me to dissuade me. When I think of this quote, it propels me to work harder each day and walk boldly toward my destiny.
What your day is incomplete without
MR: A warm cup of Yogi tea or a chilled glass of chardonnay. The tea bags have uplifting quotes and inspirational phrases that always help me to re-center, and the wine does all that work on its own.
MS: Music is my therapy. I start every morning with music. Most times, it’s inspirational/spiritual, but it does change from time to time. Starting my day off like this allows me to put my spirit in a grateful space and think of the strides I’ve made in life toward happiness and reaching my goals.
Your power outfit remix
MR: I’ve learned pride in both my racial and sexual identities, and I have found there’s power in expressing that pride. I also often wear clothing that pays homage to the Black and brown human rights struggle that’s historic and still taking place today. Any outfitting that boldly proclaims pride in what makes us different is what I’d consider a power outfit.
MS: A power outfit is only as good as the confidence of the person wearing it. It may sound cliché, but it starts from what’s inside. You are your power. Therefore, you make the outfit. Today, my power outfit may be sweatpants and a hoodie because it’s comfortable and relaxing. Tomorrow, I might throw on my Lavin khaki slacks, a black Prada bucket hat and Celine Luco loafers.
What every entrepreneur needs
MR: Entrepreneurs must have amazing grit, because not every day will be easy and not everyone will agree. Lord knows that if you don’t believe in yourself or the vision you’re working toward, then you will give up when the going gets too tough. Grit [is] that stubborn belief that what you are working on and for is much bigger than your pride.
MS: Being a self-motivator is extremely important as an entrepreneur. You have to pick yourself up when you fail (because you will fail), high-five yourself when you do well, and be honest about expectations you’re placing on yourself and those around you. Nothing can stop you once you master self-motivation and grace.
@deviantevents //
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