Career Astrology Forecast: April 2023
April 13, 2023 @ 11:00am
This monthly astrology column will provide insights into your career and your business.
Astrology is a powerful tool for reflection. It’s helped me figure out my career and start a business. In this monthly column, I’ll show you how it can help you as well. It’s more than just your horoscope which is based off your sun sign. Astrology can tell you about the best jobs for you, how to make money, your strengths, challenges you’ll face and more. What’s the astrological forecast for this month?
The energy definitely shifted in March, and we are moving fast in April. The new beginnings we welcomed in with the Spring Equinox and New Moon in Aries revealed how we need to prioritize ourselves. Insights into how you can lead and act more boldly also came through. And if they didn’t, we have another New Moon in Aries on April 20. This one is also a solar eclipse which means if you didn’t receive the lessons last month, you will definitely experience it this month. The Full Moon in Libra on April 7 paved the way for these lessons as we reflected on what relationships are no longer working.
Eclipse season brings us what we need. Lots of change comes up, and so slowing down and doubling down on your self-care will do wonders for your mood and energy. We are already starting to feel the energy of eclipse season and it will last until mid-May.
During this time, you’ll explore themes around prioritizing yourself, taking a more active role in specific parts of your life, refocusing on your healing and identity work and how you may be acting small in your career or business.
We are being pushed to understand ourselves better so that we can get clear in our careers and our lives. When your internal world changes, the external world needs to as well. You may find yourself recognizing how your job isn’t a good fit anymore because it doesn’t align with your values. You may feel called to start the business you’ve been thinking about for years. Important lessons are coming our way this eclipse season.
Mercury Retrograde will hit us later this month from April 21 to May 14. Miscommunication and technological issues are common during Mercury Retrogrades. Read your emails twice. Leave early for things. Keep an eye on your electronics. And think before you speak.
Traditionally, you can read for both your sun and rising. I prefer rising. As in if your rising sign (ASC) is Cancer, read for that. I like to also read for my moon sign when I need extra insights into how I need to self-care and connect with my inner child.
Don’t know your placements? Visit to understand with your free career astrology report. Then come back and read your April career astrology message.
Identity work isn’t easy and you are knee deep in it. It’s almost like you’re starting to upgrade your entire operating system. Maybe you’re feeling frustrated because it’s causing you to move slower because you have more questions than answers in this moment. Shift your perspective to shift your mood and all will be well.
You’re feeling like you need to be in hermit mode. Spending time at home and on your favorite hobbies will soothe you. Healing is a nonlinear journey and you deeply feel it in this moment. Things you thought you healed may come up again. Remember to be kind to yourself and release any expectations of how and when you heal.
You’re feeling called to act and organize for the causes you care about. You’re reflecting on what it means to come together as a community. What types of connections and communities do you feel are missing? If you think there is a better way to do something, now is a good time to test it out.
You’ve been thinking a lot about your career. It’s most likely been frustrating. Things are moving more slowly than you’d like. The normal momentum you feel hasn’t been there. It’s been feeling sluggish. Now is an opportunity for you to think about what you truly want and how that’s reflected in your career (or not).
The philosophy of living has been on your mind. You’ve been in your head a lot as you think about the big existential questions. Are you fighting any changes you feel are coming? Change can be difficult but only if we resist it. Your belief systems may be shifting and so parts of your life will start to reflect that. Journal your thoughts to gain clarity.
Have you been thinking about power dynamics? Maybe even pushed to understand what areas of your life need some rebalancing in terms of power? If you haven’t started exploring the shadow self (parts of you that you hide and don’t want to share with others), it’s been calling out to you. Book a session with a therapist or coach to help you feel less stuck.
You’re so used to thinking of others but what about yourself? It’s easy to give to others but it’s important to have discernment about who you give to. Are you appreciated, seen, and valued for your contributions? Mind who you spend your time with and how they make you feel. It will be normal for you to be more outspoken about your own opinions and desires.
Health and wellness are on your mind. You’re feeling motivated in trying a new exercise routine or upgrading in other areas. A new morning and evening routine will be beneficial during this time. Try out new things to see which rituals will resonate the most with you. You may also feel called to get certified to teach yoga or another modality.
You’ve been feeling super creative these days. And having so much fun. If this energy hasn’t been activated within you, you’ll feel it this month. Find ways to incorporate creativity into your everyday life. During this time, you may also be feeling flirty. Hop on a dating app or be out and about more to increase your chances of having a meet cute.
A change from your normal M.O., you’ve been feeling a stronger focus on the home and family. Career is always important but you’re starting to realize it’s healthy to have more balance. Shocking! You may find yourself being more domestic and caring for others. And you don’t hate it. People will appreciate you making home life easier from planning meals to fun excursions.
Normally you recharge by being alone and with your thoughts but somehow, you’re feeling an outward pull this month. You’re getting more energy from engaging with others and you’ve been chatting up a storm. From taking more meetings, being on podcasts or just connecting with friends, you’ve been exploring new ways of communicating.
Money mindset and worthiness have been on your mind. Financial literacy is a priority for you now. You’re realizing self-worth is from the inside out as well (and not the other way around). Take time to recognize what old money stories need to be released and how you can diverse your income streams.
(Astrology enthusiasts, this message is based off of the New Moon solar Eclipse in Aries. This changes from month to month based on what I feel will be the most impactful to share.)
Alice Hu is the fractional chief mindfulness officer, career astrologer and founder at Woo Woo Company. Learn more about Hu at and follow her on Instagram @woowooco. Get your free career astrology report at
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