
21 D.C. Makers + Curators to Follow
March 12, 2021 @ 10:00am
Whether a creator, artist, curator or any of the titles the individuals on this list hold, they’re all integral parts of the creative fabric that make up the District. They shared their creative ethos, where they unexpectedly find inspiration and advice for other creators for our Arts & Culture issue this month.
44:21 Co-founder

Nabil Abdulkadir. Photo courtesy of subject.
The ethos of my work can be described as community-oriented storytelling focused on narratives that normally go overlooked.
Unexpected Source of Inspiration
The most unexpected place I find inspiration is in music. Albums are a journey to me. When I discover a new project, I fully immerse myself in the world of it, both sonically and visually. By the time I leave their world, I carry a lot of the influence with me.
Advice to Other Creators
The advice I would give to other creators is to follow your intuition and not let outside influences and pressures dictate the direction of your art.
Follow Abdulkadir and @nabilabdulkadir on Instagram.
Spoken word artist | DC SCORES Director of Creative Arts and Education | Busboys and Poets Director of Poetry Events

Charity Blackwell. Photo courtesy of subject.
I utilize my art as a tool for learning, healing and activism. The amazing organizations I work for give me a platform as an artist to amplify my message and work.
Unexpected Source of Inspiration
The most unexpected place I find inspirational is an empty church.
Advice to Other Creators
Do not feel confined to society’s definition of success as a creative.
Visit and follow Blackwell @charityjoyceblackwell on Instagram.

Andrew Cohen. Photo by Emon Surakitkoson.
I draw things I think are funny, but other people find creepy.
Unexpected Source of Inspiration
Antique magic textbooks.
Advice to Other Creators
Keep making art, and trust that the things that are interesting to you are worth your efforts.
Follow @howzitfunnies on Instagram for more on Cohen’s work.
Manifesta + St. Plant Founder

Amira El-Gawly. Photo courtesy of subject.
Bringing meaning, love and beauty to the fore of our daily lives at home and at work.
Unexpected Source of Inspiration
In silence, among the trees.
Advice to Other Creators
Be thoughtful, and yet don’t overthink it. And definitely don’t think about what anyone else might be thinking about what you’re thinking.
Visit and for more information, and follow her businesses on Instagram @manifestaco and @st.plant.
Visual artist | spoken word performer | businessman | author

Halim A. Flowers at Plain Sight gallery. Photo by Rich Kessler Photography.
My art is an expression of advocacy for unconditional love.
Unexpected Source of Inspiration
I find inspiration always from water, whether it’s by the ocean or river, washing dishes in the sink or washing my hands, or even using the bathroom (ha ha ha).
Advice to Other Creators
Create from a fearless space to bring to the world something that has never existed in a loving way. The world needs expressions of love that know no bounds, and not carbon copies of the things already produced that have failed to communicate love comprehensively.
Visit, and follow @halimflowers and @ideallionaires on Instagram and @therealhalim on Twitter for more on Flowers.
Visual artist

Brittany M. Greene. Photo courtesy of subject.
Tell the stories and paint the faces younger me wanted and needed to see.
Unexpected Source of Inspiration
I’m fascinated with courtroom sketches and the artist’s ability to make you feel like you’re actually there.
Advice to Other Creators
No one sees, feels or interprets the world like you do, and that’s what makes being vulnerable in your work so special and important.
Visit and for more on Greene, and follow her @britt_mgreene on Instagram and Twitter.
Designer | architecture professor | public artist

Curry J. Hackett. Photo courtesy of subject.
My practice looks to underrecognized histories and patterns in the streetscape to envision purposeful public art and inform research and creative strategy.
Unexpected Source of Inspiration
I’m fascinated by weeds (plants that grow spontaneously). They’re such a great metaphor to describe the tenacity and resilience of marginalized people and cultures.
Advice to Other Creators
Doing radical, different and rigorous work can be challenging and thankless. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it, anyway.
Visit for more on Hackett and follow on Instagram and @waysidestudio on Twitter.
Digital creator | photographer | former NHL cheerleader

Erin Hill. Photo courtesy of subject.
[My] carefree spirit and unique perspective is not only evident in [my] work as a photographer and digital creator, but is paramount to the foundation of [my] career, spanning nearly two decades.
Unexpected Source of Inspiration
Abandoned buildings. I picture the stories behind them, and each story inspires me with a different concept.
Advice to Other Creators
Be loud and proud about who you are and what you stand for, be generous with your time and energy, enthusiastically support the people you’re enthusiastic about – and you’ll be golden.
Follow Hill @hillea and @erinpointandshoot on Instagram for more.

Jati Lindsay. Photo courtesy of subject.
My guiding ethos is that I’m capturing history, so I must strive to create timeless images. I imagine my images’ audience as not just people today, but also people 50 years from now.
Unexpected Source of Inspiration
The cameras themselves. Some days when I’m in need of inspiration, I’ll stand in front of the camera shelves and listen for which camera will start speaking to me on that particular day.
Advice to Other Creators
Just do the work. The work needs to be done, whether you’re inspired to do it or not.
Visit and follow Lindsay @jatiphoto on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
Department of Public Works Public Affairs Specialist | MuralsDC Coordinator

Nancee Lyons. Photo courtesy of subject.
MuralsDC develops visual stories designed to commemorate, celebrate, inspire and heal.
Unexpected Source of Inspiration
Naturally, as a public mural curator, I’m inspired whenever I see large walls of blank concrete or brick. But as a creative soul, I often feel inspired whenever I’m in an old building.
Advice to Other Creators
Creativity is the most effective way infinite spirit can connect with mankind, so honor your medium.
Visit for more on Lyons and MuralsDC. Follow @murals_dc on Twitter and Instagram and @nanceeallday on Instagram.
Multidisciplinary artist

Tsedaye Makonnen’s Aberash: You Give Light. Photo by Joey Kennedy.
[I] am a Black American multidisciplinary artist whose studio [and] curatorial and research-based practice threads together [my] identity as a daughter of Ethiopian immigrants, doula and mother.
Unexpected Source of Inspiration
As a doula and mother having attended and experienced birth, I find inspiration in parenthood, my child and birth work.
Advice to Other Creators
Find your community ASAP and invest in it as much as you want your community to invest in you. You’ll receive so many resources through your community and meet people who will help you along your career.
Visit for more on Makonnen and follow her @tsedaye on Instagram.
Artist | designer

Xena Ni. Photo courtesy of subject.
I tell stories about public policies and other infrastructure that is hard to see or understand in order to move attention and resources to people building a more just world.
Unexpected Source of Inspiration
Government documents in public archives. I’ve seen so many stories buried within application forms for public benefits or denial letters for immigration cases.
Advice to Other Creators
I treasure my friendships with other creators more than any one thing I’ve made. Find your people – the ones you feel safe sharing your funny first drafts with. You don’t have to go it alone.
Follow Ni @msknee on Instagram and visit
Artist | creative director | photographer

Obiekwe “Obi” Okolo. Photo courtesy of subject.
My work – from an early career in architecture to my more current explorations in the written word and photography – is most concerned with exploring and articulating an anthropological approach to reconciling humanity to itself.
Unexpected Source of Inspiration
Waffle House.
Advice to Other Creators
Rest first.
Visit and follow Okolo @obi.stg on Instagram for more.

Nara Park. Photo courtesy of subject.
My work investigates our relationship to the landscape we inhabit and the imprint we leave in it when we are gone.
Unexpected Source of Inspiration
Home Depot.
Advice to Other Creators
Trust yourself and take chances.
Visit and follow Park @nara__park on Instagram.
Muralist | streetwear boutique owner | designer

Chris Pyrate. Photo by @freezeframe_43 on Instagram.
Imagination is the driving force behind my work. Childlike zen is the goal.
Unexpected Source of Inspiration
I’d have to say fishing inner city canals in Miami (I’m inspired by ecosystems) or walking through random malls in small towns (also an ecosystem). I like to see what people are digging.
Advice to Other Creators
It’s cliché, but truly and deeply be yourself. And by that, I mean artistically selfish: selfishly prioritize your own vision, and your craft will become a selfless gift.
Follow Pyrate @chrispyrate on Instagram and visit for more.
Arts administrator

Sloane A.L. Spencer. Photo courtesy of subject.
The ethos of my work is always community, empowerment and mentorship.
Unexpected Source of Inspiration
I come from a family of educators, dreamers and wanderers. They inspire me daily.
Advice to Other Creators
Fate loves the fearless.
Follow @sloanedotstar on Instagram and @_sloane on Twitter.
44:21 Co-founder

Bisagna Suh. Photo courtesy of subject.
Shining a light and giving voice to narratives that have been overlooked or silenced.
Unexpected Source of Inspiration
Breathwork classes. My mind usually feels like a tornado of thoughts, but breathwork classes help me find the eye of the storm. And usually, there’s a creative breakthrough hiding there.
Advice to Other Creators
Trust yourself and stop waiting for someone to give you permission to do something you already know you’re capable of doing.
Follow Suh and 44:21 on Instagram @bisagna_ and

Emon Surakitkoson. Photo courtesy of subject.
I use minimal, abstracted forms and a monochromatic palette
to create images that invoke harmony and visual flow.
Unexpected Source of Inspiration
Diversity of experience and perspective inspires.
Advice to Other Creators
I encourage other creatives to prioritize taking care of their body and mind, and to stay focused on their interests rather than following trends from social media.
Visit for more on Surakitkoson and follow her @emonartdc on Instagram.
Creative Theory Agency Co-Founder + Chief Creative Officer

Gary Williams Jr. Photo courtesy of subject.
The mission [of Creative Theory Agency] is to drive change through impactful and unique creative experiences rooted in storytelling.
Unexpected Source of Inspiration
[A]s a parent of two toddlers, I find much of my inspiration in them: their creativity, personality and imagination.
Advice to Other Creators
No matter how talented or gifted you are, it’s your work ethic that will set you apart and ultimately lead to sustainable success.
Visit for more on Williams Jr. and Creative Theory Agency. Follow
@masterwilliams, @creativetheoryagency and @thisheregiftshop on Instagram.
Korean Cultural Center, Washington D.C. Curator

Ji Young Yun. Photo courtesy of subject.
Embrace diversity and exchange one another’s uniqueness, especially in arts and culture.
Unexpected Source of Inspiration
Being in an empty space, ignoring tangible resources. Just imagining in my mind and letting my inspiration roam.
Advice to Other Creators
Share your ideas and dream something different. It won’t hurt you.
Follow Yun @yunowell on Instagram and visit for more.
National Museum of Women in the Arts (NMWA) Assistant Curator

Orin Zahra. Photo by James Jackson.
My art historical and curatorial work is rooted in an ethos of constructive discourse, but also care and compassion to disrupt the histories of misrepresentation of women, and particularly women of color.
Unexpected Source of Inspiration
My mother’s collection of vintage saris which are full of color, pattern, texture and family history.
Advice to Other Creators
I am at my creative best when I feel comfortable enough to know no ideas will be laughed off the table in the brainstorming stage of a project. Be part of a team who will help you stretch your imagination and think outside your comfort zone, and also be that teammate for someone else.
Follow Zahra @orin.zahra on Instagram and visit for more on NMWA.
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