
Spring Rec Leagues
March 2, 2016 @ 12:00am
Work hard, play hard is a way of life in the DMV. The area’s sport and social leagues are a great way to blow off some steam, meet new people and try a new sport. Each spring and fall, On Tap reaches out to see what these fun-loving groups have to offer, and the range of activities available is impressive. Here, in their own words, is what their leagues are all about and why they think you should put a little more social in your sports. To learn more about each league, including how to sign up to play, visit their websites.
Capital BBall
Capital Basketball is an awesome way to stay in shape while meeting new people. We gather at the area’s best courts to shoot some hoops, socialize and share our love for the game. We have a variety of leagues that include men’s and coed/open, as well as our brand new ultra-level leagues. All skill levels are welcome, so lace ‘em up and ball. Beginners should look for coed/open leagues, and our seasoned vets should look into our new ultra leagues. We are all about basketball – coed, men’s, women’s or ultra leagues!
Capital Bocce
Cap Bocce is all about the social – all day, every day! This league is here to provide young professionals an opportunity to meet new people and have a blast in the process. Our teams and players socialize both on the field and at the bar, all while playing bocce. Games are mostly on weeknights in Arlington and DC. All leagues include some kind of drink or food special at our sponsor bars, team T-shirts and just enough of an alternative sports vibe to make your Italian uncle jealous. Our league is designed for people to socialize with others while having a blast in the process. Crazy bocce-stans should move on!
Capital Cornhole
Capital Cornhole is a coed league with teams from four to six players in size. Games throw down at some really awesome bars like Penn Social, Carpool and Continental. Leagues typically run seven weeks and include a final tournament, player T-shirts, and a brag-worthy pilsner glasses for the champions. Skill is not a requirement, just the ability to have a good time. We’re all about cornhole over here.
Capital Dodgeball
Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge. Capital Dodgeball is the ultimate nontraditional social sport league. It’s a high-energy, action-packed game with a kick butt attitude. Games are played downtown at Georgetown Law or in Adams Morgan, depending on your league, for eight weeks of ball-flinging fun and socializing. Cap the night off with some post-game drinks at one of our awesome sponsor bars. If you can throw a ball and halfway catch, you are overqualified. Sign up today!
Capital Flag Football
Capital Flag Football is a fun and safe way to toss around the pigskin with friends. Our league offers a six-week regular season of games and an additional two weeks of playoffs. You will meet a ton of new people on the field and at the bar; everyone in each of our locations enjoys great specials at our sponsor bars after the game. From social to athletic, to our ultra leagues and our men’s-only division, we are the choice for flag football in the city. Cap flag veterans, we heard you loud and clear. We are proud to announce brand new cap flag football ultra leagues. Flag football veterans now have a chance to prove their mettle on the gridiron. Captain a full team through the full season and get your registration fees back in USS credit, good toward select USS events and future leagues. Beginners and seasoned vets, we’ve got the league for you. We’re all about the Gridiron, baby! Blue 42, ready, set, hike!
Capital Rowing Club
Capital Rowing Club is committed to bringing a variety of rowing opportunities to the DC area. Never been in a boat before? Not a problem. Capital Rowing Club offers programs for new and experienced rowers at a variety of different times that can meet your schedule on the Anacostia River. Our boathouse is Metro accessible. We also offer options for your organization or company to learn to row as a group. For information about our “Learn to Row” program or one of our experienced rowing programs, please contact [email protected].
DC Bar Sports
DC Bar Sports brings everyone together for a variety of fun events and activities based – you got it, being in a bar. Teams compete in various games like skee-ball, cornhole, shuffleboard and more. You might even see a game of giant Jenga or a Connect Four pop-up, who knows? Looking for a new hangout? Leagues are located in Arlington, DC, Bethesda and Reston. No experience is needed to play bar sports, and it’s much better that way.
DC Bocce League
Are you ready to join a sport that is fun, social and accessible to everyone? Look no further than DC Bocce League! DC Bocce League focuses exclusively on bocce so we can put all our effort into making ours the most fun league there is. With a beer in one hand and a ball in the other, you’ll learn firsthand there’s no better way to spend time with friends after work. Sign up for the spring season and get eight weeks of bocce, exclusive food and beer specials at the bar, weekly prizes and giveaways, and a free end-of-season tournament and party. Plus, only DC Bocce awards its winning teams with donations to the charity on their behalf. No need to bring your sweats or cleats – this game is about finesse, not fitness. After you engage in a little friendly competition, your opponents go from adversary to drinking buddy. Celebrate your win or commiserate your loss at your division’s sponsor bar, and see how far the evening will take you.
DC Cityball
DC Cityball is a sports-first recreational sports league. We focus on providing a great game day experience for our players. We offer coed softball, coed flag football, men’s basketball, women’s basketball, corporate/law firm basketball, coed basketball, coed volleyball and wiffle ball. The leagues are competitive but we offer recreational divisions as well. Our games are played on permitted fields/courts and we use certified officials in our leagues. Leagues consist of an eight-game regular season plus playoffs, and we host end-of-the-season parties as well as charity happy hours throughout the season. Most of our players are intermediate and experienced, but we welcome all types of players in our leagues.
DC Kickball
First, captains play for free. Second, DC K is hands down DC’s best kickball league. Period. DC Kickball is all about meeting other people and having a great time. New to town? Have you heard about this kickball thing? Yeah…that’s us! Games take place all over the DC and Va. area, including the National Mall, Adams Morgan, Dupont, Columbia Heights and Arlington. We play to be social, and we’re pretty darn good at it. If you’ve played kickball at any point in your life, you are DC kickball-certified.
DC Skeeball
DC Skee is the easiest and most fun way to meet new people and make new friends in the DMV. What is skeeball, you ask? Well remember that game at Chuck E. Cheese with the wooden balls and the tickets pouring out? That’s skeeball. Get your roll on, and become a legend. As with all leagues in the USS family, we welcome free agents, small groups and full teams. No experience needed. Your four-year-old niece could outscore you any given Thursday. You never know!
DC Soccer FC
DC Soccer FC is the fastest-growing soccer community in DC. We pride ourselves in delivering the best experience indoors and out. We offer indoor and outdoor grass and field six vs. six, seven vs. seven and eight vs. eight, men’s and coed soccer, with leagues playing in DC and VA. Sign up and get six weeks of game play and two weeks of playoffs, plus team shirts, end-of-season parties and super convenient locations. We work to make it as easy as possible for you to play the game you love. Registration is open to free agents, small groups and full teams. With both social and athletic divisions, we’ve got the league for you. As an added bonus, captains never get stuck paying for the whole team as they can opt for team members to pay their dues directly. Regardless of your athletic ability or skills, you will have fun in our league.
DC Social Sports
DC Social leagues are now powered by United Social Sports (USS)! This means more leagues at more locations than ever. Don’t sweat, your favorite DC Social locations are coming back, as well as your favorite tournaments and events – bar sports, basketball, bocce, cornhole, dodgeball, flag football, kickball, skeeball, soccer, softball, street hockey, tennis, ultimate Frisbee and volleyball. We have leagues for beginners and veterans. Looking to get social this spring with classic DC Social leagues? We are all about being social and having fun, so no need to sweat the little stuff.
DC Softball
Softball is our game, and you can’t wear it out! We play on traditional diamonds or on open National Mall fields with bases and backstops. DC Softball leagues play in DC and VA, so just pick the league that’s most convenient for you. All are welcome, from newcomers to long-time softball fans. The best part is captains never have to front the whole team fee, as individuals pay their registration dues directly. Registration is open to free agents, small groups and full teams.
DC Street Hockey
DCSH is a great balance of competitive street hockey with social interaction at the rink, at post-game tailgates or happy hours. On the rink, we offer by far the best and most competitive hockey and the area’s only men’s leagues, though women are highly encouraged as well. The rink offers DirecTV for NHL and NFL games to make the experience that much more exciting. There’s an annual golf tournament, happy hours, travel tournaments, local tournaments and other fun off-the-rink activities. Many players start in our lowest division or draft league, and learn from top players on those teams so they develop quickly. Though our leagues are always looking for new players, many of the leagues are for intermediate to advanced players. Our men’s leagues have a few different divisions and only the more advanced players play in the D1 top division. Many players start in D2 and work their way up to D1 in a few years. DC Street Hockey is a great place to play a fun/competitive sport and make a great new social network. Email [email protected] to be placed in the proper league and team.
DC Ultimate
DC Ultimate is the first social ultimate Frisbee in DC! This new sport is a cross between basketball and football – fast-paced and exciting. We offer several levels of play including social, athletic and the newly-added ultra level. We’ve got a spot for every skill set. Stay active and get social with this new sport. Players enjoy seven weeks of play with playoffs. Grab a friend and sign up for this new exciting sport. Now playing in DC and Virginia.
DC Volley
DC Volley plays at some of the best locations across the DC area, with a variety of team play options. We have indoor, sand, four vs. four and six vs. six, and now ultra leagues. Long-time volleyball veterans can now test their game against the best competition in town. After games, players head to one of our awesome sponsor bars for victory drinks, and USS league specials. We offer several levels of play including social, athletic and the newly added ultra level. We’ve got a spot for every skill set.
District Karaoke
District Karaoke is DC and Virginia’s first-and-only competitive, team-based karaoke league. It’s team-based, meaning you perform with friends and cheer each other on. And the competition? You, your fellow singers and anyone else you invite score each performance using our matchup mobile scoring system. Teams compete over a 10-week season for a chance to go to the epic citywide finals. You can form a team, join a team or register as a free agent by going to the District Karaoke website and selecting a night and venue. No experience required.
Fairfax Adult Softball
We are the largest ASA adult softball league in the nation! We have a league for every age and skill level, ranging from seniors to social to elite. We also run several tournaments and events throughout the year supporting several charities. We do not require any experience at all – we have a league for everyone! Click the “Join” tab on our site and it will walk you through the steps.
FXA Basketball
FXA Basketball is one of the largest coed and men’s adult basketball leagues in Northern VA (VA/DC/MD), averaging around 25 teams each season. We offer both team and individual (free agent) registrations for all levels of play. To keep competition evenly matched, FXA offers two different divisions (casual or competitive) for teams ranging in skill sets. All games are officiated by high school-certified and experienced referees, and played on regulation-size adult basketball courts. After the games, our sponsor bar provides beer and food specials for teams.
FXA Football
FXA Football is the largest coed, women’s and men’s adult flag football league in Northern Virginia (VA/DC/MD), averaging around 150 teams each season and playing on turf fields. We offer both team and individual (free agent) registrations for our spring 2016 season. To keep competition evenly matched, FXA offers several different divisions (social, casual, competitive and elite) for teams ranging in skill sets. All games are officiated by qualified and experienced referees and played on turf fields lined for flag football.
FXA Soccer
FXA Soccer is the largest coed and men’s adult soccer league in Northern VA (VA/DC/MD), averaging around 120 teams each season of coed 11 vs. 11 and men’s eight vs. eight leagues. We offer both team and individual (free agent) registrations for our spring 2016 season and play all games on turf fields. To keep competition evenly matched, FXA offers several different divisions (social, casual, competitive and elite) for teams ranging in skill levels. All games are officiated by U.S. soccer graded and experienced referees and played on turf fields lined for soccer.
FXA Softball
FXA Softball is one of the largest coed and men’s adult slow-pitch softball leagues in Northern VA (VA/DC/MD), averaging over 50 teams each season playing on full-size adult fields with dugouts and an HR fence. We offer both team and individual (free agent) registrations for our spring 2016 season. To keep competition evenly matched, FXA offers several different divisions (social, casual, Competitive and elite) for teams ranging in skill. All games are officiated by ASA-certified and experienced umpires. After the games, our sponsor bars provide beer and food specials for teams to socialize and meet other players.
FXA Volleyball
FXA Volleyball is a coed volleyball league in Northern Virginia (VA/DC/MD). We play indoor, grass and sand, four vs. four and six vs. six coed volleyball. We offer both team and individual (free agent) registrations for our spring 2016 season, and any skill level can play.
Goombay Kickball
Goombay Kickball has been hosting coed, women’s and kids’ kickball leagues in the DC area since 2010. We have a competitive and social league which plays on Sunday afternoons, and after each game the teams cook out, play music, drink and socialize. Each Sunday is like a big family reunion! When players first come out, they don’t need to have any experience. We always host two to three open practices before the season begins, and we teach everyone how to play and the rules. We also allow the older players to dust off the cobwebs and meet new players. Register by clicking the “kickball” link for Washington, DC on our site.
Happy Hour Kickball
We offer a plethora of social sports to the masses in the DMV area from kickball and softball to cornhole and bocce. This summer, the focus will be on our 10th kickball season with games taking place on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 and 7:15 p.m., and post-game fun and activities at The Barking Dog in Bethesda. There will be food and drink specials, flip cup, pong and general merriment. Theme weeks will abound and friendships and partnerships will form. Join us, won’t you? Registration is done online and is just a click away on our registration tab. And stay tuned, “Happy Hour Softball Season Five” is coming this June! Games will be on Monday nights, so look for details as we get closer to the summer.
CCGW Coed Softball League
We have two coed slow-pitch softball leagues at the JCCGW in Rockville. The first plays on Sunday mornings at local park fields. The second is a weeknight league that is played on Monday and Tuesday on the JCCGW’s campus in Rockville. Both leagues are a mix of social and competitive. The teams have fun but like to win too. Some of our teams get together for happy hour after the games. It’s a great group of participants, and we are always looking for new faces to join our leagues. No experience required. We get many new participants each year who have little to no experience but are looking to meet new people and have fun. You can register an entire team online or send an email to be put on the free agent list and get on a team that already exists. To learn more, click on the “Fitness and Sports” tab on the homepage, then choose “Sports Programs and Adult Leagues.”
Metro Sports Leagues
We offer soccer, softball and volleyball. Our leagues are fun because we have multiple divisions and locations so you can choose to play in a league that suits what your team is looking for and where they want to play. It isn’t fun to play in a league where you are either killing every team or getting killed each week. We focus on making sure the experience on the field/court/gym is what you hoped it to be when you signed up. Recreational players can join and have a good experience, and at the same time we have competitive leagues for players that take the game seriously and want a high level of play.
Morven Park Flag Football League
Play on the finest grass fields in all of Loudoun County. Morven Park’s flag football league holds its spring season on Wednesday evenings, April 6 to June 1. The nine-week season includes seven regular games and a single elimination tournament. The league attracts players of all skill levels. Register by March 23 for this season.
Recreational Athletics Sports League (RASL or “razzle”) offers coed sports for adults over 18 years old. Our leagues and tournaments are held in Montgomery County, Md. with players hailing from Rockville, Germantown, Gaithersburg, Bethesda, Silver Spring, DC, VA and other locales. We offer coed, men’s and women’s flag football leagues. We offer registration for teams, small groups and individuals, and we are bringing back the women’s league.
Established in 1985, we’re the longest-running continuous provider of adult athletics in the entire United States, with the best-organized programs anywhere. Offering multiple divisions for our leagues, men and women of all ages/skill levels are always welcome to join. We offer flag football, softball, basketball, floor hockey, indoor soccer and volleyball, just pick your sport – and get in the game!
Social Sports of Bethesda
“More than just a game!” is our tagline. Social Sports of Bethesda (SSB) is a coed adult sports league for people who enjoy socializing and participating in organized sports. The league was formed to provide a venue for people ages 21 and older to participate in football, softball, volleyball, dodgeball and other sports in a safe, coed, well-organized and social atmosphere. We offer two or three divisions depending on skill level. The Miller division is for teams that prefer to be a little more competitive. The Lite division is a little less competitive and the Super Lite is for new teams or previous teams who finished sub .500 in the Lite division. Register as a team captain and have your teammates join your team. Or register as a free agent and we’ll put you on a team. Small groups (incomplete teams) are also welcome. Registrations are all online.
United Social Sports
With more than 15 active sport leagues in play this season, United Social Sports (USS) is the District’s largest social sports community. Our goal is to bring groups of friends and individuals together to connect socially and to play more often. From bocce to ultimate Frisbee to kickball, we have your sport/game of choice. We also host fun events like tubing trips and wine tastings. We will also have new tennis, street hockey and bowling leagues this spring. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned vet, we’ve got the league for you. For the first time, we are offering ultra leagues, so step up your game with our more competitive leagues or play in our infamously awesome social- or athletic-level leagues.
WAKA Kickball and Social Sports
Club WAKA brings games, parties and friends together into one national sport and social club. With more and more people to meet, great parties, tournaments and events throughout the U.S., there’s never been a better time to join WAKA Kickball and Social Sports. Find leagues in the DC area by clicking on the DC tab online. We offer kickball, football, bar games, dodgeball and volleyball. We welcome all players of all experience levels 21 and over. See you on the field!
Washington DC Gaels
The Washington DC Gaels has been celebrating the long tradition of Irish sports in the DC metro area since 1988 as part of a much larger international sporting organization, the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA). We provide the sports of hurling and camogie, combining the skills of field hockey, lacrosse and baseball in a very fast-paced and exciting game. We also have men’s as well as ladies’ Gaelic football, which are sports that combine the skills of basketball, volleyball and rugby in another fast-paced and aggressive sport. No experience is needed to play with the Gaels. Our experienced coaches and veteran players are more than happy to help you learn the sport and see you excel as a new player. Trust us, once you start playing these sports you won’t want to stop. The season runs March to September, until our national finals on Labor Day weekend.
ZogSports DC
ZogSports is the United States’ largest charity-focused, coed social sports league for young professionals. We organize sports leagues (basketball, cornhole, dodgeball, football, kickball, soccer, softball and volleyball), social events, and volunteer opportunities for young professionals in DC. Fun is our number one priority and the ZogSports staff is trained to ensure that you have a superb time on the court and at the bar. Plus, everything we do (from the sports to the weekly happy hours to our “Play For Your Cause” charity donations) exists for the sole purpose of bringing people together to create a warm, friendly and fun community. We have leagues for casual and competitive players, so you can choose your skill level when you sign up. You can register as an individual, with friends or as a whole team online. We take care of the rest!