
Politicking Co-Founders Are Galvanizing the Millennial Vote
October 1, 2021 @ 9:30am
It’s past time we remixed the entrepreneur archetype. The tried-and-true definition of an emerging or aspiring business owner feels tired. The modern entrepreneur is a mover, shaker and doer who’s not content with simply breaking all the rules. Our 52 trailblazers are rewriting the rules, tearing them up and doing it all over again. It’s creation at its purest, because the fruits of one’s hustle are not actualized overnight or by following one jet-lagged recipe. It’s no longer adequate to measure entrepreneurs by the brick-and-mortar spaces they manifest or the jobs they create. Those are all important elements but fall short of what it truly means to build something — often with blood, sweat and tears. Whether you’re revamping the vintage clothing industry, introducing a fresh dining concept, cultivating an advocacy-focused creative agency or advancing the cause of equality for the LGBTQ+ community, the only thing that matters is freedom — the freedom to march to the beat of your own badass drum.
The co-founders of Politicking, Wen-Kuni Céant and Jordan Wilson, want to improve and galvanize the millennial vote — and what better way than through an app. They know the power of an educated ballot placement — and in their own organization, the power of drive, direction and discipline.
Advice that keeps you hungry
WC: “There is that great proverb — that until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.” – Chinua Achebe
JW: Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Always do what you are afraid to do.” The more I face challenges head on, the less scary they are. Fear is the last thing that we should submit to during our journeys — no matter what our final destination is.
What your day is incomplete without WC: A workout.
JW: Prayer and a good laugh with my mom. Both have special healing powers.
Your power outfit remix
WC: A power outfit is anything that makes you feel your best — there should not be any particular outfit that a person needs to have on to win. Make every outfit a power outfit.
JW: Power dressing means presenting yourself in your most confident form. I don’t think we should kill the term at all. However, we must recognize that we cannot define how a person expresses themselves confidently. What works well for someone else might not work well for us, and that’s okay.
What every entrepreneur needs
WC: To succeed as an entrepreneur you must have the three D’s: driven, direction and discipline.
JW: Embrace the possibility of having to take the road less traveled. Having confidence in the path that was specifically designed for you is the most critical prerequisite for being an entrepreneur.
@politicking + @winnietheish //
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