
Engage and Celebrate: Pride Events During the Pandemic
June 5, 2020 @ 10:00am
Even though it may feel like Pride is another casualty during the pandemic, you can always have Pride. Instead of in-person parades and events, this year’s Pride will be celebrated online all around the world.
Pride Talks
Leaders from LGBTQ organizations will join the first Pride Talk webinar to discuss how the community will recover and move forward from the pandemic. This event will also be livestreamed on social media. Join the conversation from 7 to 8 p.m. Free to attend.
Story District’s annual Pride show focuses on stories about the LGBTQ experience. This year is the 10th anniversary of Story District’s storytelling series. The performance will be livestreamed on YouTube starting at 7:30 p.m. This show is pay-what-you-can, donations are critical to help Story District retain staff and continue serving the community.
Online Trivia, Pride Edition
DC Fray is social distancing, but still socializing. It’s tough being stuck inside so they’re bringing the world to you through a 40-minute trivia game, Pride-style. Join DC Fray online at 6 p.m. Sponsored by Parc Riverside Apartments. Registration $7.
All eight D.C. wards will get to experience the inaugural Capital Pridemobile Rainbow Blast, intended to bring entertainment to each neighborhood and document how businesses and residents show their Pride. The most prideful storefronts and residences have the chance to win a prize from the Pridemobile. Catch the Pridemobile in your ward anytime between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Pride Fundraiser for HIPS
HIPS promotes the health, rights and dignity of individuals and communities engaged in sex work and drug use by providing harm-reduction services, advocacy and community engagement. Join the Pride fundraiser to support the HIPS at 7 p.m. on their various social media platforms. // @hipsdc or @the_vagenesis
Capital Pride Concert & Sunset Dance Party
Pride in the capital usually ends with a dance in the middle of Penn Avenue as the sun sets on the celebration weekend. This year, the Sunset Dance Party is going online and will be hosted by international and Grammy award-winning DJ Tracy Young. Dance from 8-10 p.m. Free to attend.
Online Bingo, Pride Edition
Join DC Fray for an hour of Pride bingo fun to take your mind off the craziness of the world and for a chance to snag some swag, prizes and Fray Player Credits. Hop online at 6 p.m to join the party. Sponsored by Corona Premier and Corona Hard Seltzer.
Drag shows are going online. Blended is a virtual drag experience hosted by a number of local entertainers. Blended will be live streamed on Twitch at 8 p.m.
LGBTQ Speed Dating
DC Fray will provide the ice breakers and a great host to help the conversation flow if you provide the charm. Join the LGBTQ online speed dating at 6 p.m. Co-hosted with Stonewall Kickball, sponsored by Republic Restoratives. Registration $10.
Black Label: Juneteenth Spectacular
TRADE is gathering some of the best drag stars in the DMV for their Black Label series. The Juneteenth Spectacular celebrates unapologetic blackness. Tune into any of TRADE’s social media accounts at 9 p.m. for the show.
Bearded Drag Artists Showcase
Watch some of the District’s baddest drag queens rock their beards at 10 p.m. on Twitch.
Sweat with Pride
Get up and sweat with Pride from the comfort of your own home. Join DC Fray and Balance Gym for a special Pride workout to keep your weekend moving, followed by a virtual happy hour. Workout begins at 11 a.m. Sponsored by Corona Premier + Corona Hard Seltzer.
Broadway Brunch: The Quarantine Cabaret
Grab your OJ and pop some bottles, it’s time to brunch. The Vagenesis and a number of other great singers from the metro area are giving you their best Broadway performances. Singing, dancing, costumes: the whole nine yards. Tune into The Vagenesis’ YouTube page at 12 p.m.
DC Arts Market, Pride Edition
Enjoy a fun and informative evening of culture and pride. Join the DC Arts Market for personal discussion with artists and an arts-based panel discussion with several high-profile D.C. LGBTQ figures. Event starts at 7 p.m. Sponsored by Union Place Apartments, Corona Premier and Corona Hard Seltzer.
Global Pride
Pride organizations from around the world are coming together to celebrate Global Pride 2020. Enjoy musical and artistic performances, speeches from activists and addresses by public figures in this 24-hour stream. Celebrate LGBTQ people everywhere, and watch anywhere. Sign up on Facebook for updates.
DC Center Digital Drag Brunch
The DC Center for the LGBT Community works to educate, empower, celebrate and connect all parts of the LGBTQ community. Join at 12 p.m on Facebook Live for a fun-filled drag brunch.
Capital Pride in the City
Some familiar faces and places from around the Dstrict will be featured in the first #StillWe Entertain video series to be posted on Facebook and YouTube. This series will celebrate D.C.’s diverse talent, showcasing pre-filmed performances by local LGBTQ singers, dancers, drag performers and more. 7-8 p.m. Free to attend.
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