
DJ Jacq Jill Queerness Is at Peak Power
June 1, 2022 @ 12:00pm
Local DJ
What Pride means to you
Pride has morphed over the years for me. It originally solidified as one of the first places I felt more than accepted, but celebrated. Current day, it’s when my queerness feels most powerful and I hold fast to finding community with others rejected by the mainstream. My work is guided by the knowledge any and all cultural innovation is derived from the leadership and creativity of Black and brown trans and queer people. Understanding this, Pride is about celebrating those who fought before us, doing the work of removing our internal bias and demanding the upheaval of discriminatory laws against us. Above all, Pride is a movement and our continued momentum is essential.
Supporting the LGBTQ+ community
Obvious ways include political activism, for example advocating for mutual aid and the redistribution of wealth. Also ensuring current queer protections stay intact. I think people forget each of us have our own platform in some capacity. It may be with our art, at work or our interpersonal lives. Whatever power you have, use it to include people in our community. Chances are if it’s something cool, queers did it first. Elevating us will at the very least make you cooler by proxy. 😉
Your identity-affirming song
These songs affirm my identity, encompassing my love of underground music, complexities of once being a closeted person and reclaiming sexuality. “Another Life” by D’Angelo & The Vanguard from “Black Messiah,” “Big Fun” by Inner City, “Weather Channel” by Sheryl Crow, ‘Tecno Misógino” by Moderna + Theus Mago.
To read all 24 other Pride Guide 2022 interviews, visit our print issue or look through our site.
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