
Players’ Club: Celebrating Community with Cey Cey Green
September 30, 2022 @ 12:00pm
We love our DC Fray sports leagues, so we’re highlighting players in our series Players’ Club. We’re kicking things off in the magazine with DC Fray superstar Cey Cey Green. Learn more about our leagues at
Whether on the field or off, teaching students or dancing with friends, 36-year-old educator Green is a champion in the fullest sense of the word. An outspoken advocate for DC’s LGBTQ+ community, they know working hard and playing hard as your authentic self is the best way to make the world better for everyone. Read on to learn a little more about one of the District’s most committed kickballers.
District Fray: What sport(s) do you play for Fray, and when did you start?
Cey Cey Green: I play kickball with DC Fray. My first season was fall 2019. This current season makes six in all. I also host a volleyball night and a kickball night.
Why did you start playing with Fray?
I also play in Stonewall kickball. Many folks who play there also play in the Fray Thursday league since they are both for the LGBTQ+ community. I joined Fray to hang out with my friends more and play more kickball. It’s really my jam.
What’s a great memory you have with Fray?
There’s not a specific memory, but Fray is always a constant reminder that the queer community in D.C. is so large and full of so many cool folks. On the nights I play and the nights I host, I’ve met some really awesome people I probably wouldn’t have otherwise.
What’s your favorite aspect of kickball?
I love that kickball is deceptively challenging. A lot of folks think of it the same way they did in elementary school: Kick the ball as hard you can and run the bases. But when you understand the rules and some of the strategies for playing, games can get really fun and intense.
Any pre-game warmups?
Stretch, stretch, stretch. And take a few practice throws to get the shoulder moving.
Typical post-game plans?
They vary. I’m an educator for my day job, so sometimes it’s straight home and to bed since it’s a school night. But every now and then I’ll step out for a drink and hang out.
Why have you stuck with Fray for six seasons?
One: community. It’s a great opportunity to meet new people who aren’t already in my circle or somehow tied to it. Two: I really love playing kickball.
What’s your advice for someone who’s yet to join Fray?
Do it. As long as you’re friendly, at minimum you will get a few friends out of it. But you could also find an entire community, friends you’ll have for life and a new hobby you can devote yourself to.
D.C. neighborhood? Eckington. Favorite professional sports team? No thank you. Favorite D.C. retreat? Peirce Mill in Rock Creek Park. Favorite local cultural institution? Stonewall Kickball DC. Nonprofit people should know? National Black Justice Coalition.
Follow Green on Instagram @ceyonce