
DC Artists Featured at Pancakes and Booze
August 1, 2017 @ 12:00am
It can be exciting when artists with different styles create together. And when two artists of different mediums combine their unique talents, they can end up creating something unlike anything else.
That one-of-a-kind creative product is going to be on display this Thursday, August 3 at the annual Pancakes and Booze Art Show. This year’s rendition features the work of over 100 artists, live body painting and live music – in addition to, of course, booze and pancakes.
DC photographer Lindsay Galatro of LG Photography went from admiring Jonathan Howard’s artwork on Instagram to creating a selection of photos that the owner of JRH Graphics eventually manipulated. Their partnership was a match made in artistic heaven, and the products of their combined efforts will be on display at Pancakes and Booze – but Galatro hopes this won’t be the only time she combines her creative energy with another artist’s.
Howard and Galatro spoke to On Tap about what kind of art they create, how their project came about and why their styles mesh so well together.
On Tap: What kind of work are people going to see at Pancakes and Booze?
Lindsay Galatro: The Pancakes and Booze Art Show is unlike any art show I’ve been to. You’re going to see art from all over the DMV and beyond. The works range from photography to body painting, and everything in-between. Many of the artists have full-time jobs, so it’s great to see what people can create when they let their creativity breathe.
OT: What does manipulating photos entail?
Jonathan Howard: The manipulation process can be as simple as one step or be multiple steps, depending on the photo. It can involve filters, changing the color levels and saturation, or adding, removing or overlaying some component of a photo over itself or another photo. Each manipulation is different, and it depends on the direction the image is sending me down. I don’t save any filters in Lightroom or Photoshop, and I don’t have a step-by-step process I follow for each image, which makes each image truly unique.
OT: What type of photography do you prefer to work on?
JH: I love architecture! Buildings and houses speak to me. There is always a story in them, which is why I think I love to photograph them and manipulate the images I collect.
OT: Most artists are known for being particular about their art. What’s it like to see your photos manipulated?
LG: Seeing the outcome of these manipulations was very exciting. The added color and detail that Jonathan was able to emphasize in my photographs was impressive. I welcome challenge and embrace change, especially when it can lead to such beautiful results. His talent is incredible, and I could not be happier with the final product.
OT: What’s the process been? Did you take the photos intending to have them manipulated or are they photos you already had?
LG: It’s been a mix. Many of the photos we used were taken before Jonathan and I met. Once I saw his style and understood what he could do with an image, it gave me the perspective to select the photos with the best potential. After the first round of finals, we discussed some new ideas and subjects, and I was able to go out and capture additional images for the show.
OT: What is your partnership like? Why do you work well together?
JH: I think Lindsay and I have the same goals in mind, and our images accomplish those goals in different ways. So bringing the styles together has created some very cool results that people will be able to check out at the show on Thursday. I think we have both been flexible with one another, and been open-minded in how our styles would meld. I am thrilled with the outcome, and I think Lindsay is as well. Hopefully, the public will be as receptive to what we created.
Pancakes and Booze Art Show: 801 E St. NW, DC;
Disclosure: Lindsay Galatro has taken photos for On Tap Magazine.