
Astrology Forecast: October 2023
October 9, 2023 @ 10:00am
This monthly astrology column will provide insights into your career and overall wellbeing.
Does October already feel a bit overwhelming for you?
It’s a social time of year, especially with social Libra energy. We’re juggling many things. Libra is a sign that feels most comfortable bouncing from one social engagement to the other. It’s one that loves to be seen and one that feels most like itself in relationship (romantic or not).
During this month we are all reflecting on relationships. Contemplating the dynamics of your closest ones to understanding how you can be a better friend, lover, parent, caregiver, sibling, daughter/son, colleague and more.
This month is also one that marks change and transformation as we are in eclipse season. Eclipses give us what we need, not necessarily what we want. Throughout this month there will be plot twists, endings, unexpected insights and sudden changes. This period of time can feel stressful so just find ways to go with the flow. Pay attention to what comes up during this time — it’s important.
Below are insights to help you set new intentions for the new moon solar eclipse in Libra on October 14. This is the perfect time to set new intentions, goals and wishes to manifest in six months’ time with the full moon in Libra. Pay attention to extra clarity and unexpected information coming your way during the next two weeks.
Traditionally, you can read for both your sun and rising. I prefer rising. As in if your rising sign (ASC) is Cancer, read for that. I like to also read for my moon sign when I need extra insights into how I need to self-care and connect with my inner child.
Don’t know your placements? Visit to understand them with your free career astrology report and then come back and read your astrology message.
You need an upgrade in your relationships. Know that you don’t need to do things alone. Ask for help. Set intentions around healthy dynamics, voicing your boundaries and welcoming nourishing partnerships.
You’re being forced to focus on your health and how you run your days. If you’re feeling frenetic and anxious, focus on how you do things. Make sure you feel calm and steady before you start something new. Take a few breaths. Set intentions around efficiency, balance, less stress and setting yourself up to thrive.
Your creativity needs a boost of inspiration. To remove any creative blocks, focus on ways you can have more fun and experience more day-to-day pleasure. Set intentions around healing your inner child and ways to have fun.
Seek resources that help you to understand your mental blind spots. When you’re being confronted with the same challenges, it’s an opportunity to learn how you can think and then act differently. Set intentions around mindset work and letting go of the past.
You’re being invited to speak more clearly and confidently about what you need and desire. To be vulnerable is to be brave. Share what’s been on your mind. Set intentions around being able to communicate clearly and authentically.
It’s time to work on financial literacy and confidence. If you’ve been wanting to deepen your understanding of investing, finding new ways to generate income, or working with a coach on self-worth — now is the time. Set intentions around money, stability, and self-worth.
New things are coming your way. Specifically new parts of you are emerging. Who you are is changing. There are shifts and changes happening that will usher in the next version of yourself in six months. Set intentions on confidently embracing change and becoming the next evolution of yourself.
You thrive in chaos. So, eclipse season is your jam as it’s filled with change and transformation. Your focus is on planting new seeds around embracing your inner artist and continuing on your spiritual path. Set new intentions around creativity, healing and intuition.
It’s time to embrace your weird self (we’re all weird) and find people who see the parts of you that aren’t so clear to you yet. You’ll discover parts of you that have been dormant. Set intentions around supportive community, embracing individuality and dreaming of the future.
Finally, something that comes naturally to you: You’re setting intentions around career and success. It feels good to be in your wheelhouse. But remember, the intention behind your career goals is most important. Make sure what you want to manifest aligns with your values and how you want to feel. Focus more on internal validation rather than external validation.
You are naturally a deep thinker, and this new moon has got you thinking about life’s bigger questions. You’ve made up your mind about new ways of living and working for yourself. It’s time to implement these changes. Set intentions around how you will create a life that reflects your new beliefs.
You’d rather have your head in the clouds sometimes than address some of the harder things. If this triggers you, then it’s true. There is clarity now around next steps of your healing and transformation journey. A lot has been happening for you and it feels overwhelming. Set intentions around feeling comfortable with change and understanding that healing is nonlinear/doesn’t end.
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