Career Astrology Forecast: May 2023
May 2, 2023 @ 11:37am
This monthly astrology column will provide insights into your career and your business.
Astrology is a powerful tool for reflection. It’s helped me figure out my career and start a business. In this monthly column, I’ll show you how it can help you as well. It’s more than just your horoscope which is based off you sun sign. Astrology can tell you about the best jobs for you, how to make money, your strengths, challenges you’ll face and more. What’s the astrological forecast for this month?
We are still in eclipse season, aka getting what we need but may not want. Big lessons and transformations are happening. This month we’re focusing on how to create your own luck. You’ll be exploring these themes shared in your horoscopes from May 16, 2023 through May 25, 2024.
Traditionally, you can read for both your sun and rising. I prefer rising. As in, if your rising sign (ASC) is Cancer, read for that. I like to also read for my moon sign when I need extra insights into how I need to self-care and connect with my inner child.
Don’t know your placements? Visit to understand them with your free career astrology report. Come back and read your May career astrology message.
You’re feeling called to put in the work around your financial literacy and upgrading your financial mindset. Any investment you make in diversifying your income streams and allowing you to feel more confident about your self-worth is going to come back to you 10x.
This is a deep time for you. You’re thinking about who you are and doing the introspective work. Any way you can be consistent in uncovering the different parts of you will be beneficial. You’ll see lots of momentum and positive feedback when you take time to get to know yourself again. Any confusion you feel about work stems from not knowing yourself.
Feeling more intuitive hits than usual? Listen to the call. If you spend time tapping into your creativity and strengthening your relationship with your intuition, you’ll make major progress in healing. You’ll also feel more confident about everything in your life. You’re building more trust from within. Your intuition will guide you in your career decisions. Listen up.
Now is a great time to start exploring the concept of service. How would you like to serve? Whether it’s through your full-time job or something you do on the side, find ways to give back. You’ll develop and feel a deep sense of purpose and connection to your community. Magical synchronicities will happen because of these new connections.
What can you do to expand your professional network? Find your soapbox, your stage. All of this feels quite natural to you as you are the performer of the zodiac. Notice who sees and values you and nurture those relationships. Continue putting in the hard work for your career. You’ll see lots of new opportunities come your way.
You’re going to start to feel a desire to go inward as you reflect on the more existential questions of life. Quiet moments spent reflecting will give you the clarity you seek. During this time, you may be exploring different philosophies and religions. You’re seeking the ways to live life that light you up. Take time to travel and write to process your emotions. Through this journey, you’ll understand your next career steps.
So many feelings during this time. Take time to self-care and rest. Remember that healing is non-linear. A new theme is emerging for you. It will invite you to do deep healing around the parts of you that feel most tender and maybe related to family as well. Restart therapy sessions or explore a new hobby that will be a productive outlet for your emotions. Rest is productive and provides the answers you are seeking.
What can you do to invest in your relationships? Now is a good time to evaluate and do some spring cleaning, if you will. Who brings out the best version of you? Usually filled to the brim with emotions, you’re being called to leave some of this polarity behind in exchange for balance and harmony. How can you balance your emotions more to feel more balanced? As much as it may pain you at times, relationships can bring about more interesting job opportunities. Don’t be a loner.
From nutritional to spiritual wellness, there is a big drive to get healthy. Define what healthy means to you. Examine where in your life needs more support and call in more resources and order to help you boost up that area. When you’re feeling good, your mind benefits. You’ll start to notice your work feeling more fluid. Tap into your flow state by finding your wellness routines.
Any stagnation you feel in your career will be fixed with a little bit of creativity and fun. Tap into your more carefree side. Explore what brings you pleasure and joy. Your feelings will be your internal compass. Are you doing things because you feel like you have to or want to? Your energy will be renewed through creative pursuits which may or may not also include dating or having more fun with your partner.
Explore all the places and spaces you call home. What needs to be changed in your physical space? Your mental home, aka your mindset? You may be required to explore your roots and your family history to anchor yourself. Dive into emotional literacy. Read books, attend workshops, watch movies and anything else that allows you to expand your capacity to feel. As you explore all the areas stated above, you’ll start to notice your work priorities shift in a way they’ve been needing to.
You are usually in your own world, but you’ll start exploring ways to share what’s going on in your head with others. Start a TikTok or a podcast. Anything that allows you to broadcast your ideas and thoughts will result in some lucky situations. Someone may find your artistry through the internet and the spotlight will shine on you, catapulting you into a new realm.
(Astrology enthusiasts, this message is based off Jupiter moving into Taurus. This changes from month to month based on what I feel will be the most impactful to share.)
Alice Hu is the fractional chief mindfulness officer, career astrologer and founder at Woo Woo Company. Learn more about Hu at and follow her on Instagram @woowooco. Get your free career astrology report at
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