
30 D.C. Women Changing the Game
March 12, 2021 @ 10:00am
The work of women should be celebrated year-round, but for Women’s History Month, we wanted to highlight the achievements of women who have carved out their own roles as entrepreneurs, content creators, business owners and more. We reached out to 30 local ladies for inspiration and advice on what it takes to be a bad-ass woman running the District.
Photographer | designer

Aphra Adkins. Photo by Allegra Guinan.
“Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!” – Miss Frizzle
Words of Wisdom
Remember you can make whatever you want, and it can be whatever you say it is. There are no rules. Lift each other up. We’re all in this together.
Learn more at and follow Adkins @aphraadkins.creative on Instagram.
Interior designer | brand marketing content creator

Rashida Banks. Photo by Antwon Maxwell.
Just try it, even if you’re doing it scared.
Words of Wisdom
Working with your ideal home decor brands can feel like a distant goal, but you have to be bold and introduce yourself to them rather than wait on them to notice you. Think of an out-of-the-box idea, then pitch it to the brand. The answer will always be “No” until you ask.
Learn more about Banks at and follow @rashida.banks on Instagram.
Tagg Magazine Owner + Editor-in-Chief

Eboné F. Bell. Photos by Maya Satori.
Be your true and authentic self, and the rest will follow.
Words of Wisdom
Failing doesn’t mean you’re a failure. Get back up, because your visibility and voice are needed.
Learn more about Tagg Magazine at and, and follow @taggmagazine and @ebonebell1 on Instagram.
Districtly Local Co-founder

Leela Bhatia-Newman. Photo courtesy of subject.
Rely on your intuition in moments of doubt. Deep down, you always know what’s best for you or not serving you well.
Words of Wisdom
Embrace the concept of an MVP (a phrase in tech that stands for minimum viable product), and don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. If you’re passionate about something, just launch and refine as you go along. A partially planned idea you’ve executed is better than a meticulously thought-out plan that lives in your head.
Learn more about Bhatia-Newman and Districtly Local at and follow @districtlylocal on Instagram.
District Hemp Botanicals Founder

Barbara Biddle. Photo by Rich Kessler Photography.
Take calculated risks, be kind and lead with compassion.
Words of Wisdom
Make sure you’re prioritizing the necessities: sleep, food, self-love. It’s easy to skip a meal in order to finish a project ASAP, but your body and mind will pay for it in the long run. Be kind to your community. Don’t expect endless loyalty and free marketing if you can’t reciprocate those efforts.
Learn more about Biddle and District Hemp at and follow @districthemp on Instagram.
Reserva: The Youth Land Trust Founder + Executive Director

Callie Broaddus. Photo by Lucy Houliston.
I don’t have a mantra, but if I did, it would remind me to focus on one thing at a time.
Words of Wisdom
This is going to sound so cliché, but if you are passionate about this field – or any field – there is no legitimate reason being female should be a barrier to a rewarding career. If anyone tries to convince you otherwise, prove them wrong.
Learn more about Broaddus and Reserva at and follow @reservaylt on Instagram.
Supermodels Over 40 Model | Heavenlyfaces, LLC Owner

Lisa Bush with Supermodels Over 40. Photo by Phelan Marc.
My mantra is to treat others the way in which you want to be treated, and always pay it forward.
Words of Wisdom
As models who are 40-plus in the industry, [Supermodels Over 40] come with a wealth of knowledge, talent and diversity. Be kind and support one another. We are powerful, smart, talented and strong. Collectively, we can be a reckoning force in this modeling and acting industry, as well as in life situations. Let’s love one another unconditionally and lift one another up in an already competitive industry.
Follow Bush and Heavenlyfaces, LLC @modelagain4 and @heavenlyfacesllcagain on Instagram.
A Tour Of Her Own Founder

Kaitlin Calogera. Photo by Cynthia Schiavetto Staliunas.
Where there is a problem, there is often a solution that can be manifested with creativity, optimism and discipline.
Words of Wisdom
Never stop questioning why women’s stories are overlooked in history and culture. The tourism industry needs all of us to align our careers in a way that contributes to a future more egalitarian than our past.
Learn more about Calogera’s business at and follow @atourofherown on Instagram.
Yellow the Cafe Coffee Director + Cafe Manager

Ayat Elhag. Photo by Rey Lopez.
Do not leave behind the people who helped you get where you are.
Words of Wisdom
Take every opportunity to invest in yourself educationally, professionally and personally. It is difficult to build and support a team without a strong sense of self.
Learn more about Elhag and Yellow the Cafe at and follow @yellowthecafe on Instagram.
“Brag Better” Author | entrepreneur | speaker | writer

Meredith Fineman. Photo by Mariah Miranda.
If you don’t ask, the answer is always “No.”
Words of Wisdom
To dovetail on the above, you’d be shocked at how many people don’t ask to be included and wait instead of people [coming] to them. This idea of someone coming to you is almost a myth. If there’s something you’re interested in, an opportunity to be considered for or a panel you want to be on, it serves you well to ask to be included with relevant information and direct language.
Learn more about Fineman at and follow @meredithfineman on Instagram.
Indigo Octopus Founder

Michelle Gemberling. Photo courtesy of subject.
Always say, “Yes.” You never know what door will open, as long as you are open to letting it in with the positive power of yes.
Words of Wisdom
If you have a dream, go for it. There will never be the right time. Timing is everything, but waiting and stalling will get you nowhere. Intentions are nothing without action.
Learn more about Gemberling and her business at and follow @indigooctopus on Instagram.
Fleurs DC Owner + Lead Floral Designer

Ursula Gunther. Photo by Christin Geall.
Pour love and passion into every single thing worth doing.
Words of Wisdom
Do not wait for opportunities to find you. Actively seek and pursue your passions with an open heart and mind.
Learn more about Gunther and Fleurs DC at and follow @fleursdc on Instagram.
The Glossier Founder | photographer | social media consultant

Tasha James. Photo courtesy of subject.
Don’t quit your daydream.
Words of Wisdom
You get better when you work with people, or on projects, that challenge you. Step outside of your comfort zone, collaborate often, don’t be afraid to experiment and do passion projects that will keep you excited to be a creator.
Learn more about James at and follow @theglossier on Instagram.
Open Kitchen D.C. Founder

Mary Johns. Photo by John Joseph.
My mantra is “Love your neighbor as yourself,” which is hard to actually live out and requires daily, conscious choices.
Words of Wisdom
If you have a dream that is not yet fulfilled, don’t give up. A new season is coming. I dreamed of creating boutique events that connected immigrant cooks with culturally curious people like myself for about eight years before I was actually in a position to make Open Kitchen D.C. a reality.
Learn more about Johns and her business at and follow @openkitchendc on Instagram.
Washington Football Team Assistant Running Backs Coach

Jennifer King. Photo courtesy of subject.
Be so good you can’t be denied.
Words of Wisdom
Perfect your craft each day, have the confidence in your work to know you belong and if you should fall, fall forward to bounce back better and stronger.
Learn more about the team at and follow King @jennifer.king5 on Instagram.
Districtly Local Co-founder

Mariana Magala. Photo courtesy of subject.
Always maintain your integrity – regardless of your goal.
Words of Wisdom
Set ambitious goals, but make sure to celebrate the milestones along the way. This will allow you to appreciate how valuable the process is and help you stay motivated. The final outcome is just the cherry on top.
Learn more about Magala and Districtly Local at and follow @districtlylocal on Instagram.
Studio Mayd Architecture + Design Founding Principal

Lindsey May. Photo by Leah Beilhart.
My personal and professional mantra is “Dare mighty things,” which is borrowed from NASA’s Perseverance rover and originally borrowed from Teddy Roosevelt.
Words of Wisdom
My advice to other women in architecture and design is: Believe you can do “it.” Manage a big project on your own, get the job, start your own practice, ask for a raise, whatever “it” might mean for you. I’ve also learned that my network of women colleagues has been integral in achieving my own professional “its.”
Learn more about May and her business at and follow @studio.mayd on Instagram.
Mobile entertainment entrepreneur

DJ MIM. Photo by Tony Lear.
Think intentional and purposeful thoughts to fuel your actions.
Words of Wisdom
You will always have to outperform your male counterparts in this industry. Don’t give in to the discouragement. Use it as constant motivation.
Learn more about DJ MIM at and follow @djmimdc on Instagram.
Kyanite Kitchen Founder + Executive Chef

Kya Parker. Photo courtesy of subject.
“Be free,” meaning liberate all of yourself as much as possible and don’t turn back.
Words of Wisdom
Be fearless, be bold, and don’t hesitate and be afraid to follow your dreams – no matter what they are and what you take. The possibilities in this life are infinite. Live life to the fullest and follow your dreams.
Learn about Kyanite Kitchen at and follow on Instagram.
Rachel Pfeffer Designs Owner, Designer + Everything-er

Rachel Pfeffer. Photo courtesy of subject
Less is more, unless more is more.
Words of Wisdom
There will never be too much jewelry out there. Just carve out a space for yourself with designs that make you happy, and people will want to wear them. Be inspired by competition, not intimidated (which is easier said than done).
Learn more about Pfeffer at and follow @rachelpfeffer on Instagram.
Transformer Co-founder, Executive + Artistic Director

Victoria Reis. Photo by Brian Baker.
Keep on keeping on.
Words of Wisdom
Dream, experiment and keep clarifying your vision and mission. You’ve got to love what you’re doing, and yourself, for anyone else to embrace you and your work. Be undeterred by negative voices (your own and others). Support and encourage your peers, the women who came before you and those who are rising up. Women are power.
Learn more about Transformer at and follow @transformerdc and @sirenartsap on Instagram.
La Bodega + Compass Rose Pastry Sous Chef

Nikkie Rodriguez. Photo courtesy of subject.
Focus on what I can control and make peace with what I can’t.
Words of Wisdom
Believe in yourself, keep working hard and make sure you surround yourself with people who motivate you.
Learn more about La Bodega at and follow Rodriguez @rodrigueznikkie on Instagram.
Theater J Managing Director

Jojo Ruf. Photo by Kate Conway.
The closest thing I have to a mantra is the brilliance of poet Mary Oliver: “What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
Words of Wisdom
Don’t let fear, perception, gender norms or a desire to “follow the rules” prevent you from seizing an opportunity, whether that’s applying for a job, asking for a promotion or submitting your play. Be an advocate for yourself and the women who report to you. Know your market value and always negotiate your salary.
Learn more about Ruf and Theater J at and follow @theaterjdc on Instagram.
Izakaya Seki Co-owner

Cizuka Seki [L]. Photo courtesy of subject.
“One is not born, but rather, becomes a woman.” – Simone de Beauvoir
Words of Wisdom
I can’t say I have general advice to all women, since I think it can be problematic to consider women as a monolith. The advice I would give to anyone in the restaurant and hospitality business is to be resilient if you want to stick around for the long haul.
Learn more about Seki and her restaurant at and follow @sekidc on Instagram.
SnoBee Chic Founder

Smita Sharma. Photo courtesy of subject.
One of my favorite mottos is that I do not chase, I attract. What’s meant for me will find me. My favorite professional mantra is to work like everything depends on you, and to pray like everything depends on God.
Words of Wisdom
Run your own race and don’t compare your success to others’ success. Be intentional about networking with people in all fields, because you never know when a door can open for your business.
Learn more about Sharma and her company at and follow @snobeechic on Instagram.
Shilling Canning Company Co-owner + Director of Business Development

Sara Quinteros Shilling. Photos courtesy of subject.
“Work hard, have a positive attitude and don’t give up” is my professional mantra that applies to the work I do, whether I’m in my “day job” (I’m a pediatric metabolic dietitian), or when I have my Shilling hat on. In both scenarios, not giving up [and] being solution-oriented are crucial.
Words of Wisdom
Never stop learning or believing in yourself. We (women) have so much power to dream, motivate and inspire. We need to use that power to always set an example as leaders, and more importantly, as the generation that will pave the way for the next.
Learn more about Quinteros-Shilling and her restaurant at and follow @shillingcanningcompany on Instagram.
Scout & Indiana Owner + Chief Creative

Emily Ullo Steigler. Photo courtesy of subject.
There are no bad experiences, only opportunities to learn and grow.
Words of Wisdom
Networking with other artists and makers is so important to finding your creative tribe. When you find them, the experience, creativity and joy that the right people will breathe into your life and work is absolutely invaluable – especially as a small business owner.
Learn about Steigler at and follow @scoutandindiana on Instagram.
Bold Fork Books Owner

Clementine Thomas. Photo by Sam Vasfi.
You’re stronger than you think.
Words of Wisdom
Community is everything, especially for a niche concept like a cookbook store. Take the time you need to build those personal connections, and don’t be shy about sharing your enthusiasm.
Learn more about Thomas and Bold Fork Books at and follow @boldforkbooks on Instagram.
WizardsXTRA Director

Becca Winkert. Photo courtesy of subject.
My mantra in my personal and professional life is the “5 by 5 rule.” If it won’t matter five years from now, don’t spend more than five minutes worrying about it.
Words of Wisdom
I would encourage women in this field to continue to support each other. There is room for all of us at the table, and we all can win.
Learn more about Winkert and WizardsXTRA at and follow @wizardsxtra on Instagram.
Sonny’s Pizza Daytime Manager + Baking Instructor

Hannah Wolfman-Arent. Photo by Alanna Reeves.
Joy comes in the morning.
Words of Wisdom
When I’ve felt stagnant or unfulfilled by the daily grind of the restaurant world, I’ve asked if I can create new projects outside of my assigned job duties. Those projects are how I’ve regained a sense of self: getting in touch with all of my skills, leading, living out my values, taking risks. As long as you’ll be fairly compensated for any work you’re doing outside of your regular tasks, I recommend asking for what you want and going for it.
Learn more about Wolfman-Arent and Sonny’s Pizza at and follow @shewolfout on Instagram.
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