Flight, the gripping story of two orphaned Afghan brothers on a cross-continental odyssey, will now be presented by Studio Theatre from December 16, 2021 – March 6, 2022. The overall production has shifted by two weeks; this change does not impact the total number of planned performances of Flight. Press performances will be held Saturday, December 18 – Wednesday, December 22, 2021.
Named one of the most Unforgettable Theatre Moments by The New York Times (2018), Flight is based on the novel Hinterland by Caroline Brothers and was created by Scottish theatre company Vox Motus. In this epic tale of adventure, displacement, and migration, orphaned brothers Aryan and Kabir set out from Afghanistan in search of safety in England. Akin to a 3D graphic novel, there are no live actors in Flight—the story unfolds across 230 spectacularly-detailed, moving dioramas. The hybrid theatre-installation piece was adapted by Oliver Emanuel, and directed by Candice Edmunds and Jamie Harrison (Harry Potter and the Cursed Child magic effects and illusions designer).
Flight was originally commissioned by the Edinburgh International Festival. It comes to Studio for its Washington, DC premiere following a production at the Bridge Theatre in London in a coproduction with the Barbican.