Tuesday, April 5, 2022
DC Public Library’s Storytime Tuesdays on The Rooftop
1309 5th Street NE, DC
The Rooftop at Union Market
More detailsAbout This Event
Join in on a Family Storytime focusing on ages birth to five on the Rooftop at Union Market.
Bring a blanket or towel to sit on and some sunscreen, as we enjoy songs, fingerplays, and books during this weekly event for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. This program is led by Northeast Library staff from DC Public Library.
Please note: Outdoor library programs are canceled if DC Government issues a Cold Emergency or if there are thunderstorms.
To learn more about DC Pubic Library’s programming, visit:
https://www.dclibrary.org/ , https://www.dclibrary.org/kids/storytime , https://www.dclibrary.org/STAR
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