
Career Astrology Forecast: March 2023
March 21, 2023 @ 12:00pm
This monthly astrology column will provide insights into your career and your business.
Astrology is a powerful tool for reflection. It’s helped me figure out my career and start a business. In this monthly column, I’ll show you how it can help you as well. It’s more than just your horoscope, which is based off your Sun Sign. Astrology can tell you the best jobs for you, how to make money, your strengths, challenges you’ll face and more.
What’s the astrological forecast for this month?
March is a busy month: lots of new beginnings. You may already feel a shift in your energy. This is a wonderful month to start new projects. Lean into your intuition to guide you in what you need to focus on. We’re currently in Pisces season, a time to tap into your imaginative side and let yourself dream big. What is it that you want to create?
On March 7, Saturn moved from Aquarius into Pisces. Saturn is the planet of maturity, boundaries and responsibility. It changes signs every three years, giving us new lessons. Everyone will feel the effects of this in different areas of their lives. Those who have their Saturn, Sun, Moon, Rising and North Node in Pisces will feel it the most.
We also started the astrological new year with a New Moon in Aries on March 21. New moons are opportunities to set new intentions. This new moon challenges us to set intentions around being bold and taking up more space.
Traditionally, you can read for both your Sun and Rising. I prefer Rising. As in, if your Rising Sign (ASC) is Cancer, read for that. Don’t know your placements? Visit to learn more with your free career astrology report. Then come back and read your March astrology reading below!
Embrace emotional maturity and invest in your wellbeing. The friction you feel at work shows you what areas need a new mental approach. Which parts of your identity no longer serve you? How are you feeling called to change?
Your intuition is going to start telling you which friendships and community groups no longer serve you. Take time to understand if you are giving too much. How can you support the parts of you that need healing? Place your wellbeing first.
Being creative is a big part of how you show up at work. Allow yourself to dream big when it comes to what you can achieve. What actions can you take to help the communities you care about?
If you’re starting to wonder if there is a different way to live life, explore it. To reach new heights in your career, what things do you need to put into motion? Does it mean leaving your current job or pivoting your current business model?
You’re being called to evaluate your health. Assess your lifestyle habits and see what needs to change. What beliefs no longer serve you? What new stories do you need to create for yourself?
You’ll start to notice which relationships and partnerships aren’t healthy. You’ll notice they don’t feel right anymore. How can you set new intentions around your relationship with change, especially around work?
Starting new wellness routines will serve you well. You may also feel like reorganizing many areas of your life so they feel right instead of look right. What friendships and connections help you feel bolder and the best version of yourself?
Your creativity and desire for pleasure are going to be challenged. Take time later this month to ask yourself, “What new routines do I need to add into my life to feel more powerful?”
It’s time to heal your familial wounds. Anything you’ve been avoiding will come to the surface. Healing these parts of you will allow you to move more freely in your professional world. What is a new creative hobby that will inspire you?
A new way of communicating has been nudging at you. Explore new ways of expressing authenticity. Think about what it means to be a thought leader in your industry. What things need to change at home and/or your family dynamics? Is it time to move into a new home?
It’s time to ground your many money-making ideas in reality. Don’t let them live in your head anymore. How can you communicate more powerfully and intentionally?
You’re starting to redefine who you are. Do some identity spring cleaning. In what ways can you feel more confident in financial literacy? How can you set intentions around worthiness?
(Astrology enthusiasts: The summary sentence is based off Saturn in Pisces. Journal prompt New Moon in Aries. This changes from month to month based on what I feel will be the most impactful to share.)
Alice Hu is the fractional chief mindfulness officer, career astrologer and founder at Woo Woo Company. Learn more about Hu at and follow her on Instagram @woowooco. Get your free career astrology report at
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