
Type Punch Matrix’s Brian Cassidy Never Misses a Chance To Learn Something New
October 1, 2021 @ 9:30am
It’s past time we remixed the entrepreneur archetype. The tried-and-true definition of an emerging or aspiring business owner feels tired. The modern entrepreneur is a mover, shaker and doer who’s not content with simply breaking all the rules. Our 52 trailblazers featured in the October issue are rewriting the rules, tearing them up and doing it all over again. It’s creation at its purest, because the fruits of one’s hustle are not actualized overnight or by following one jet-lagged recipe. It’s no longer adequate to measure entrepreneurs by the brick-and-mortar spaces they manifest or the jobs they create. Those are all important elements but fall short of what it truly means to build something — often with blood, sweat and tears. Whether you’re revamping the vintage clothing industry, introducing a fresh dining concept, cultivating an advocacy-focused creative agency or advancing the cause of equality for the LGBTQ+ community, the only thing that matters is freedom — the freedom to march to the beat of your own badass drum. Read our full rundown of trailblazers here.
Brian Cassidy co-founded Type Punch Matrix in 2019 after 10 years in the independent book store world. Cassidy loves the nature of his job, discovery, opportunity and learning — and that’s the best power outfix remix.
Advice that keeps you hungry
As Larry McMurtry’s character, the antiques and rare book scout Zack Jenks says in the novel “Cadillac Jack” — “Anything can be anywhere.”
What your day is incomplete without
My day is incomplete without learning something new. It’s perhaps what both I and my co-founder Rebecca Romney love most about this job. Every item that crosses our desks is another opportunity to discover something we didn’t know before.
Your power outfit remix
I have often joked that after nearly two decades of working for myself as a rare book dealer, I am ruined for any other kind of employment. The fact that I literally don’t understand this question strikes me as further evidence of this.
What every entrepreneur needs
Every business is in essence a hypothesis. Real entrepreneurs enjoy proving the hypothesis of their business true. Or if proven demonstrably false, in finding new ones and starting again.
@typepunchmatrix //
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