Friday, May 23rd, 2025 @ 12:00:am
Wolves in the Throne Room, Full of Hell, Uada at Black Cat
Black Cat
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“Our music invokes the Spirits that reside in the mountains and rivers–the Sun and Moon, the plants and animals. These deities have been with us since ancient times, but their voices have been drowned out in the modern world.”
And now, nearly two decades into their journey as shamanic conjurors, Wolves In The Throne Room have emerged from the forest with their most majestic album to date. Primordial Arcana is the band’s first completely self-contained work: In addition to composition and performance, the Weaver brothers and guitarist Kody Keyworth handled all aspects of recording, producing and mixing at their own Owl Lodge Studios in the woods of Washington state.
The album’s title is a reference to the band’s ongoing reach back to the most ancient, archetypal energies. “As children we encountered the work of Joseph Campbell and the study of ancient mythologies inside every human culture,” Aaron says. “These archetypal truths and psychological structures inspire us and give us strength.”
Primordial Arcana is more evidence that Wolves In The Throne Room are a band with few contemporaries. “I think we do have a singular and unique voice in the extreme metal world,” Aaron says. “We’re coming from an unapologetically real and personal perspective, and we haven’t made any concessions to what’s expected of us. We’ve always done things exactly the way we want to do it.”
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