Saturday, April 19th, 2025 @ 7:00:pm
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
World Stage Theater
Eaton DC, Beverly Snow Ballroom
Join author and Icelandic television news anchor Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir for a conversation about her new novel, The Fires, a heart-wrenching thriller about a woman’s desperate quest to save the people she loves from a natural disaster. Björnsdóttir has spent much of her career reporting on both the scientific and human-interest aspects of volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters in Iceland. She felt compelled to write a story that depicted the people involved and how they might be affected during an eruption. When The Fires was first published, there hadn’t been any volcanic action near Reykjavík for more than 800 years. Four months later, the Fagradalsfjall eruption started only a few kilometers away from the location where it happens in the novel.
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