Tuesday, March 25th, 2025 @ 11:59:pm

Live Action Murder Mystery and Scavenger Hunt
Rosslyn Metro Stop
About This Event
Take part in a Scavenger Hunt and Murder Mystery at the same time.
Throughout the afternoon, as you compete in tasks and retrieve items and information, more clues will be revealed pointing to the murderer, the weapon, and the location. The winner will be the one who earns enough points through various challenges (Murder Mystery themed) and collecting enough items that can be used to help decipher the basics of the crime.
Put on your detective hats as you team up and search for clues and participate in incredibly fun and exciting challenges against each other – that will become necessary to solve the crime.
How does it work?
1) Upon arrival, we will break you into teams (roughly 6 to 8 people) . Each team will be given a list of several clues and instructions (with random items to find to collect points) . The items are all of little or no cost. (Note: If requested upon arrival we will put you on a team with any friends or other colleagues you may know.)
2) The list will also contain a location where each team must check-in by a certain time. Each team should take whatever items it has and proceed to that location by the designated time. If you are late, you lose points. Teams are not expected to retrieve all of the items listed.
At each location, team members may participate in a challenge that will help you gather “clues”. The better you are at the challenge, the more points you can get and perhaps a better clue than the rest of the teams further your detective skills over Washington D.C. This may involve tests of speed, appetite, knowledge, spirit, and the ability to be the most gruesome like in an unusual setting!
3) Throughout the day, at each location, points will be calculated, teams will get a brief time to rest, and teams will be given a different list of items to retrieve and take to the next location. There will be 2 or 3 different check-ins throughout the National Mall. At each check-in, teams will be given different instructions, lists and new challenges to complete.
4) Bonuses are given to the first team to arrive at each respective location. Teams will leave each location in the order in which they arrived. The winning team will be the one that collects the most points, achieves the most valuable prize, and solves the mystery. Special prizes will be awarded to the top teams.
There are over 100 items listed and what you see depends upon your team’s resolve, speed, and ability to have fun!
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