Sunday, December 31st, 2023 @ 10:00:pm
Pour Decisions: Open Bar NYE Celebration
Grand Central Restaurant, Bar & Sportsbook
Foundry Church
Fraylife+ Member Perk: $15 Redemption Info
Foundry’s Family Ministry invites your family to join us on Saturday, December 16th from 10:30am-12:00pm for our annual Christmas Festival and Breakfast with Santa in partnership with Friends of Stead Park! Come have a photo with Santa, make crafts, partake in holiday merriment, and pre-purchase a gingerbread house to decorate ($15).
Note, registration and payment are ONLY required if purchasing a Gingerbread House. Pre-registration for Gingerbread Houses will close on Tuesday, December 12. After pre-registration closes, gingerbread houses will be available only as supplies last.
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