Wines of Pilgrimage Dinner Series at Immigrant Food+
Immigrant food+
About This Event
To inaugurate the series, we will only open 24 seats of the restaurant for a very special menu featuring a guided pairing of wonderful, unique wines from Spain’s majestic Camino de Santiago*.
Dinner will highlight a specially designed, Spanish-influenced, 4-course menu, accompanied by curated pairings of limited-production wines from the exclusive portfolio of Olé & Obrigado, Wine & Spirits’ 2020 Wine Importer of the Year.
The curated pairings will include iconic wines by acclaimed winemakers Michel Gillieron, Rodrigo Mendez, and Alberto Orte. The event will be guided by guest presenter Molly Christhilf Finnegan of Olê & Obrigado.
*The history of the Camino de Santiago dates to the beginning of the 9th century, when the remains of the apostle St. James were found in Galicia, Spain. Santiago de Compostela then became a pilgrimage destination for the entire European continent. Several routes (or “caminos”) lead to Santiago from southern Spain, Portugal and France.
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