Encuentro en el Smithsonian: Miss Bolivia & Women’s Empowerment in Argentina 7.8
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Over the past decade, across Latin America, the movement for women’s empowerment has continued to grow. In Argentina, the hashtag #NiUnaMenos (“Not One Less”) is the battle cry for the largest feminist movement ever seen in the western hemisphere, raising awareness about and fighting against gender-based violence. On the eve of Argentina’s independence day, join for a discussion about the movement, through the lens of the popular music industry, with three Argentine voices: singer-activist Miss Bolivia, journalist Humphrey Inzillo, and Paula Rivera, vice president of the National Institute of Music.
Produced by the Smithsonian Folklife Festival, Encuentro en el Smithsonian is an occasional series exploring culture, creativity, and identity. Presented in Spanish with English subtitles, programs feature distinguished artists, activists, and thinkers from throughout the Americas. The goal of Encuentro is to connect continents and communities through conversation and performance.